For decades, Marist School has been serving the guests of the Bashor Night Shelter in downtown Atlanta. As in previous years, we are committed to serving six Friday nights this year, providing 100 men with a hot evening meal and breakfast / lunch to-go bags, as well as volunteers to staff the shelter on our nights. We are asking Marist families to help cover the cost of the evening meals which we will be purchasing from Sage. Please consider making a $10 donation or whatever amount you are comfortable contributing to support this ministry. Thank you for supporting Marist’s commitment to helping our neighbors!
For questions about this service opportunity, please reach out to Mary Ujda at UjdaM@marist.com
For questions about event or ticket listings, please reach out to the contact person for that listing on the item page.
**Please note that all ticket sales show up as "Awaiting Processing" - this does NOT indicate a problem with the sale. (It is just the default prior to marking "Shipped/Complete") **